Ref. No: ISYC/Bla/01/12 Date: 04/04/12
ieh ilKy sbd lMdn dy iek pwdrI ny ie`k auGy isAwstdwn qy ivdvwn sj`x nUM lMdn iv`c AwKy hn [
ieh lyK s. rxjIq isMG ibrk AwP rqn klwQ hwaus, coVw bwzwr, luiDAwxw, jo ipCly idnI AmrIkw gey sn [ auQO dy ie`k mYdzIn ivcO lYky Awey hn [
Dear Sikhs do whatever you want but one day you all go to hell. When 20 million Sikhs went to hell, the hell will be congested and obviously it will happen. I have read your sikh history, your hymns, through which I got experienced, I also have read about your religion even you people didn’t knew about it. I’m really telling you the truth.
We Christians have told the whole world about Christianity on the reference of Christ when he was tortured on cross, but your religion is based on thousand and thousand of Christ (full of Christ).
Which else religion in which leaders have given their lives in sitting on hot pans and in hot boiling water?
Which else religion in which leaders have given their lives in sitting on hot pans and in hot boiling water?
Which else religion has leaders who give their heads in the middle of a 4 way road?
Which else religion has lovers who cut themselves into pieces?
Who else on the earth was cut with the saw?
The people who had faith in this religion tied coffins on their heads and raise their voice against cruelty and bring down the kingdoms and their government
Which else religion has leaders who give up their sons to be cemented in walls?
It’s a miracle of god that your history is only 500 years old and still it is filled with bloodshed of wars