Definition of Sikh
Any human being who faithfully believes in
(1) One Immortal Being,
(2) Ten Gurus (Sikh Masters), from Guru Nanak Dev Ji to Guru Gobind Singh Ji,
(3) The Guru Granth Sahib Ji (presently as Holy Book of Sikhs),
(4) Guru-bani or the Utterance and Teachings of the Ten Gurus and
(5) The Baptism bequeathed by the Tenth Sikh Master (Guru Gobind Singh Ji) and who does not owes allegiance to any other religion, is a Sikh.
A Sikh has two ways of living or we can say have two aspects:
(1) Living as an Individual or Personal life and
(2) Living as a Corporate or Panthic Way. (Religious)
Personal Life of a Sikh
A Sikh follows three ways of living a Life
> Meditation on Naam Bani ( Divine) and the Learning from Scriptures.
> Leading life according to the Teachings of Ten Sikh Master.
> Living the way of Voluntarily Service.
Meditation on Naam Bani (Divinity)
1. A Sikh should wake up early in the ambrosial hours (three hours before the Dawn), take bath and concentrating his/her thoughts on Immortal Being, Repeat the name Waheguru (wondrous Destroyer of Darkness)
2. He /She should recite the following scriptural compositions (Hymns) everyday:--
a. Japuji Sahib, Jaap Sahib, Ten Savaiyaas, (early Morning)
b. Rehras Sahib, Choupai, Swaiyye, Dohras, Anand Sahib (evening)
c. Sohila and Ardas (before going to Bed)
One Obsolete Manifest:
Khalsa (Purest) belong to Wondrous.
Victory belongs to himself (God).
Joining the congregation for the Understanding of and reflecting Gurbani
> A Sikh should visit the places of congregation i.e. Holy Sikh Shrines for worship and prayer and should partake the benefits of the study of the holy scriptures.
> The Guru Granth Sahib should be ceremonially opened in the Gurudwara everyday without failing.
Except for Special Exemptions like when there is need to keep Guru Granth Sahib ji Open for a Night.
> The Holy book should not be kept opened during night. It should generally be closed ceremonially after the Conclusion of Rehras.
> The Holy book cannot be left unattended and a Granthi (Priest) should remain there until people seeking darshan (pay Obeisance) to it. It is therefore advisable to close it ceremonially to avoid any disrespect to it.
> An awning should be erected above the Holy book and place where is to be installed should be clean. The Holy book should be placed on COT measuring up to its size and overlaid with absolutely clean mattress and sheets, Cushions, pillows.
> When Guru Granth Sahib ji is not being read, it should remain covered with a long clean Cloth. A Whisk too, should be there.
> Anything except he reverential ceremonies, for instance, such practices like ARTI with burning incense and lamps, offering of eatables to Guru Granth Sahib ji, burning of light, beating of gong etc is contrary to Guru's Way. However for the perfuming of the place, Flowers, incense and scent is not barred.
> No Books should be installed at par with Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
> Worship of any Idol is prohibited in Sikh religion and such kind of activity is also barred inside Gurudwara Sahib. No festival of other faith should be celebrated inside the Gurudwara.
> Pressing the legs of the Cots on which Guru Granth Sahib ji is installed , rubbing nose against walls, and on platforms, held scared, or massaging these, placing water below the Guru Granth Sahib's seat, making or installing Statues, bowing to pictures of Gurus or elders ---- all are irreligious self-willed egotism, contrary to Gurmat.
> When the Guru Granth sahib ji has to be taken from one place to another, the Ardas should be performed. He/She who carries the Guru Granth should walk barefoot; but when wearing of shoes is necessary, no superstitions need to be entertained.
> The Guru Granth Sahib Ji should be opened ceremonially after performing Ardas. After ceremonial opening , a Hyms should be read from the Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
> Whenever the Guru Granth is brought, irrespective of whether or not another copy of the Guru Granth had already been installed at the concerned place, every Sikh should stand up and show respect.
> While going into Gurudwara, one should take off he shoes and clean oneself up. If the feet are dirty they should be washed with water. One should cir-cum ambulate with the guru Granth Sahib or the Gurudwara on One's right.
> No person no matter which caste cred or color or nationality he belongs to is debarred from entering the shrine